Friday, October 28, 2011

Nothing comes to mind

Couldn't think of a title. It's a piece of wood, in the morning. Couldn't call it *that* now could I?


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Modern Architecture

A little utilities routing in the Center for Advanced Energy Studies, Idaho Falls, ID. Somehow reminds me of Robert DeNiro in "Brazil."


Saturday, October 15, 2011


Targhee National Forest, just before dawn.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Spring Weeds

It snowed today. Must be time to go back through my shots from spring I never processed and see if there's any wheat in all that chaff. I kinda liked these weeds... Wonder if Laura knows what they're called.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Death Canyon Panorama

This is a view of about 180 degrees of Death Canyon in Teton National Park, Wyoming. Taken from the Shelf near Meeks Pass.

Without clicking the image, all you can see is the left edge of the photo. Please click for the real picture! The full view size is 1200x5866 pixels -- wide enough for lotsa monitors, if you've got 'em! The working image size is twice as big (or 4x the area, if you're a nerd).